The lovely Ren over at is very busy at home with a newborn, so I’ve offered to take the reins of her fantastic food blogging challenge Simple & in Season for the month of August.
Summer is well and truly upon us and my weekly veg box is bursting with vibrant, seasonal produce. I’ve only just finished blanching and podding some broad beans which I will make up into a broad bean and courgette salad later on for dinner. I love this time of year when everything is so green and bursting with flavour.
What seasonal produce are you cooking with these days? Link up and tell us!
• All you have to do is come up with a dish using any seasonal produce you like (savoury or sweet) post it on your blog, add a link to this post mentioning Simple and in Season and linking to and and then manually add the link to your post in the box below (via the Linky Tools form below)
• This round will run up until Sunday 31 August 2014. I will publish a round-up post including everyone who has entered.
• You can take inspiration from anywhere – adapt a recipe from your favourite cookbook, try something from a magazine, make up your own creation or share a family favourite. The usual rules apply when using someone else’s recipe, please either get permission from the author to post it or adapt it in some way stating how/why you’ve changed it.
• Include any seasonal produce you fancy including fruit, veg, herbs, meat or fish.
• Link as many recipes as you like. You can link posts entered into other blog events or carnivals as long as it involves a seasonal food item (and fits in with their rules).
• The linky-up is open to anyone, anywhere and although it will be nice to feature as much British produce as possible, it will be interesting to see what’s in season elsewhere.
• By entering your link, you are giving me permission to add your photograph to the round-up. I will link back directly to your post when I include you.
• If you have questions or problems, email me or leave me a comment in the comment box at the bottom of this post.
• If you are on Twitter, tweet your link to @TangoRaindrop and @RenBehan adding the hashtag #simpleandinseason and I will re-tweet all that I see.
Your recipe might also be relevant to the Extra Veg challenge hosted this month by Sarah over at Maison Cupcake.
Sally - My Custard Pie
Scooting in the nick of time – some lovely recipes here…glad to join in Elizabeth.
Thanks for joining in Sally! 🙂
Sally - My Custard Pie
Not much cooking going on from me as I’m in other people’s kitchens but will try to enter this month.
I am hoping to cancel my veg bag this week and cook just out of the garden so I will come back and let you know how I got on!
How wonderful to be able to grow enough of your own to do that! I tried growing this year – I did manage a handful of Shetland black potatoes, but the aphids got my salad, herbs and tomatoes, and there’s caterpillars all over my broccoli and cauliflowers. I think I’ll leave the growing to those who know how!
Southbourne Gardens
It’ll be all about chillies and tomatoes for us this month.
Fantastic! I love fresh tomatoes right off the vine. 🙂 I look forward to seeing what you make with them!
Holly Nelson
Lots of blueberries and green beans for us!! Although not together!
Mmm wild grown Canadian blueberries are the absolute best!