Kid’s Corner has proved to be quite popular this week, which is heartening! The word is spreading! We had nine fantastic entries with reviews ranging from the most adorable trendy baby clothes, to Chewits sweeties made into a gorgeous rocky road treat, a children’s book review, tamagotchi friends (they’re back!), beaded bracelets and a selection of incredibly tempting foodie items.
Voting came in at a tie so DD (age 7) cast the deciding vote: Foodie Quine‘s children have been reviewing loads of foodie items including Cake-cetera cake push pops and Nestle Toffee Crisp, both of which caught my daughter’s eye! Congratulations Claire, send me your email address and I will pop over your Voted #1 on Kids’ Corner badge!
The story behind the cake pops is very interesting: they were developed by a woman who found out that flowers had been banned from hospital wards (they have?!) and so she wanted to create an alternative gift. Give me cake push pops over flowers any day, please!
So, what have your children been reviewing this week? Link up and let us know! The entry with the most number of votes will be featured on next weeks linky and will get a Voted #1 Winner’s badge! Feel free to include the Kids’ Corner badge on your post and link back to this page to help spread the word!
If you are new to the challenge, pop over to the Kids’ Corner main page to see what this is all about!
Blog hops work well when people comment on each other’s entries, so please, if you have the time, comment on at least one other entry in the hop. Share the linky love!
Tweet your links to @TangoRaindrop using #KidsCorner and I will retweet all that I see!
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